Thursday, December 4, 2008

The new Way to Learn in the Enterprise

The current way to learn at most organizations is to read some presentations, maybe some videos, answer questions at the end and you are done.

That is old news.

First of all this should all be centralized in a system. Based on your profile (area of work, preferences, past and future training, assigned learning, skillset, etc. A list of training areas should be assigned. Right, so that is being done.

The cherry on top is user-generated (or modified) learning. What if you are watching a video and you have something to add to the training, a question, a comment, etc. There should be private discussions, comments, the ability to upload information to each training area. This allows for the training to be modified on the fly. It also raises the consciousness. Learning should always be collaborative.

If everyone is modifying content, tracking issues and questions, the content will improve and people will learn more. Add rewards and it will be fun too.

1 comment:

Sean Dobson said...

Social learning theory focuses on the learning that occurs within a social context. It considers that people learn from one another, including such concepts as observational learning, imitation, and modeling