Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Netapp SnapMirror with SMVI

If you are using SnapManager for Virtual Infrastructure with SnapMirror, you may have seen this error:

[ERROR - SnapMirror update from source snapshot null to destination location DESTFILER:dest_vol failed]

The reason for this is that I have edited the snapmirror.conf file in order to force SnapMirror to use a specific NIC port.

When you do this SMVI cannot initiate SnapMirror because it expects a different filername in the SnapMirror.conf. Since I changed the name to point to the other interface, you must do the following to the snapmirror.conf in order for SMVI to now work:

(sourcefilername) = multi (sourcefilerIP,TargetFilerIP)


Sean Dobson said...

By the way to get SnapMirror to use a specific port add the following line to the SnapMirror.conf:

srcfiler-targetfiler = multi (srcfilerIP,TargetfilerIP)

Anonymous said...

Sean, I am having the same apparent problem - could you please give some examples ofthe snapmirror.conf and the SMVI config that you are using. Thanksin advance.

Anonymous said...

I had the same error message but the correction I used was different. I had to edit the /etc/hosts file of my destination filer to add the IP address of the source filer.