If you are having issues creating a cluster in Windows 2008, try this:
Change the value for the MS failover cluster virtual adapter
1. Open Registry Editor.
2. Locate the following registry subkey:
3. Under this subkey, find the subkey that holds a DriverDesc string value entry whose value is "Microsoft Failover Cluster Virtual Adapter."
4. Under the subkey that you found in step 3, add the following string value registry entry:
Name: DatalinkAddress
Value data: 02-AA-BB-CC-DD-01
5. Restart the computer.
6. Repeat step 1 through step 5 on other computers on which you experience this problem. When you do this on other computers, replace the value data of the registry with different values in order to set a unique value for each node. For example, set the value on the second node to 02-AA-BB-CC-DD-02, and set value on the third node to 02-AA-BB-CC-DD-03. If you notice this behavior on distinct clusters, make sure that you use an address for each node that is unique across all clusters.
7. Try creating the cluster again.